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Unfold UI 2022 - Cross Platform Solutions

Co-hosted with:Ankit Luthra

With the emerging tech stacks which cater to both websites and mobile both android and ios, what are the options we have, is it production ready, should we choose cross platform solutions in our projects is all the talk about

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Divide and conquer with micro-frontends

Co-hosted with:Anshul Kabra

Modern web applications tend to have complex and feature-loaded frontends. A single team building and evolving the frontend not only add bottlenecks to the delivery process but significantly slows it down as well. Micro frontend is a design paradigm that helps scale teams up to deliver complex frontends. The approach allows teams to develop multiple micro frontends in parallel and keep the domain responsibility within a bounded context. It also empowers users to transform existing legacy applications in a gradual manner by rebuilding the app in parts.