Total number of posts : 14

Css Grid
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Read time around : 3 minutes 53 seconds

Layout your pages leveraging browser support with lesser lines of code. No need to use a bulky framework

Frontend: Area of work
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Read time around : Less than a minute

Understanding what Frontend developers do

Manage github profiles for projects
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Read time around : 1 minute 34 seconds

It is quite important to manage your github profile while contributing to your project, may it be your personal repo, office repos or open source. Let us look to manage profiles like pro.

Micro frontend
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Read time around : 3 minutes 20 seconds

Manage a huge mono repo with dividing the code into smaller repos. Managing the project with splitting the team with different functionality. Scale the application with ease. Micro-frontend is a tested way to scale up application.

Mono Repos for micro-frontend
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Read time around : 6 minutes 28 seconds

A single repositories to hold all the independent deployable projects/libraries and other parts of the project.

Moving the code to production
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Read time around : 3 minutes 36 seconds

Checklist on a very high level for moving the code to production.

Progressive Web Applications
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Read time around : 3 minutes 24 seconds

Leveraging mobile device capability in web like offline, accessing device features, etc. Harnessing the power of both moblie and web world

Project Setup
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Read time around : 4 minutes 45 seconds

While setting up a project, we tend to miss some obvious defaults which might take a bit more time than usual if not setup earlier. In this, we would see some of the sensible defaults web has evolved and we should have it in the start of the project.

React json schema form. v3.2.1
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Read time around : 9 minutes 18 seconds

Data driven way for creating and managing React forms

Maximizing Efficiency: How React Query Can Revolutionize Your API Calls
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Read time around : 5 minutes 21 seconds

TanStack Query (FKA React Query) is becoming popular library in handling data-fetching for web applications with ease. It makes fetching, caching, synchronizing and updating server state in your web applications a breeze.

React Testing library
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Read time around : 6 minutes 21 seconds

Testing an application the way user would see and interact with the pages. Making the test more maintainable.

Frontend Security
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Read time around : 2 minutes 26 seconds

Consumers today rely on digital devices to manage banking, healthcare, shopping, and communications. Customers expect to be able to do business safely and securely online, without their PII or payment information being stolen.

Styled Component
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Read time around : 5 minutes 24 seconds

CSS in JS. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stress. Get the vendor prefixes without worring about the class name conflict and give a short and meaningful name to classes to every component.

Web Accessibility
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Read time around : 4 minutes

Creating digital platfor for all users. While developing a digital platform, we forget our users with various kind of disablity. And only look at the aesthetics given by the visual designer team. It is equally important to increase our reach to all.